#4 of Carbohydrate Series: Carbohydrate Percentage Guidelines
**I say lesson #3 in my video clip but this is #4! Yes, I make mistakes, but I like to show you I’m human! Perfection is videos, pictures and your diet is not necessary to be healthy & happy.

A good, free tool to assess and track your grams and percentages of carbohydrates is: www.myfitnesspal.com.

Lauren and I ALWAYS prefer to assess and individualize our carbohydrate food recommendations, menu, carbohydrate ratios and grams to any patient or colleague. We take into account your personal triggers, lifestyle, stressors, medical test results & history, weight and body fat goals. If you are an athlete it is imperative to know your performance goals.

Keeping a food diary of what you have ALREADY been doing is helpful before changing since it gives you a picture that has NOT been giving you the results you desire…however…..

General percentages of carbohydrates from your daily intake:

30-50% carbohydrates from healthy plant based carbohydrates

30-40% carbohydrates if you have high saliva cortisol levels or insulin sensitivity

50-75% carbohydrates if you are an athlete or a growing child

50-85% carbohydrates if you are a vegan, vegetarian, or eat a raw food diet